{Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing}

  • Calm the Body

    Calming the body is the first step in EMDR. When you can learn to calm to calm your body, you balance both the right and left side of the brain and turn off the panic, anxiety, fear and feeling that danger is around every corner. You can calm the alarm bell of your body by calming the sympathetic nervous system.

  • Find and Process the disturbing memories

    The second step is to find and target the disturbing and traumatic memories. We process the unprocessed memory causing the body to feel more calm, still, confident and strong. Now a neural pathway is formed of being able to view the traumatic memory with a calm body and that is the bond that can begin to strengthen vs. a having a fear, anger or panicked body response to a memory.

  • Increase the positive belief in yourself

    The third step after your body learns to remain calm while thinking of the traumatic event is to increase the positive, confident, still, and strong belief about yourself now. This neural pathway of confidence and peace will strengthen and you will develop a strong foundation in response to the past events, present stressor and future challenges of life.